New Test May Protect Future Kidney Organ
In this article it talks about a potential test that can tell if a patient who had received a kidney organ will potentially have an organ failure. The test would involve checking your urine for for a specific immune protein CXCL9. In a research, they found that patients who show high levels of CXCL9 have a higher chance of organ failure. By doing this test there is no harm to the patient but only beneficial. Standard procedure would be a kidney biopsy where they would have to surgically remove a small piece of the tissue. If the biopsy shows signs of damage tissue, it means that the immune system is attacking the organ and the organ has stop filtering the blood. Rejection can be gradual or sudden but its usually treated by immune suppressant drugs. By having a test that does not involve dangerous invasive procedure, doctors are able to adjust immune suppressant drugs base on the result of their urine.
I really like this article, and the tittle of the article says it all. The article was well written and the information was right on the spot with little to no complication of reading it. There was another article link to this article in the second paragraph but you have to be a member to be able to read it. I was sad to find that out because I was hoping the link could lead to some charts or data. I really wish that this article would have some data regarding to the research but overall was a great article. This is great news to hear for both doctors and patients who had just received a new kidney.