Over the past ten weeks of this blog we have examine the topic about organ transplant thoroughly. I hope that this blog was informative and helpful . Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share with you guys about this topic and thank you for giving me feedback to further improve my work. After writing this blog, I am truly amaze at some of the stuff that I have learn. I hope you guys learned as much as I learn about organ transplant from writing this blog.
Over the past ten weeks we have covered...
- The basic of organ transplant
- Anti-rejection drugs
- A test that can save future kidney recipients
- The debate about organ market
- Myths or Facts
- A possible solution to organ transplant problem
- The history
- A patient who got rabies through organ transplant
If there are any future questions, don't hesitate, just comment below as the blog is linked to my email. Again thank you for giving me the opportunity to write this blog and I hope you guys have learned as much as I did about organ transplant.
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